Sunday 20 September 2009

Summer Smash 2009

I didn't do too well in the just concluded Summer Smash 2009 despite all the training I had in Malaysia. Some pointers from this tournament.

1) The shuttle AS30 was too fast. Should have slowed it down or used another shuttle. Made a lot of mistakes (out ball) because of the shuttle. Not worth it! Need to bring extra racket in case string breaks.

2) When playing against a rally player, don't kill so fast. Their defense is good and you get really tired from attacking but to no avail. Rally with them since your consistency is OK.

3) Playing against a player who always hits the shuttle back to the same position, you need to hit to different position. I keep hitting back to the same position and she can cover so well. That means she's expecting it. Move her around the 4 corners (rally) and when the time is right, kill!

4) Footwork needs to improve. Doing the wrong footwork drill. Need to return to center slower and then accelerate to the next position after seeing where the shuttle goes. Opponent keeps hitting to the same position and I get caught coz' I come back too fast because I have to break the momentum.

5) Need to improve fitness. Warm up before match is very important.

6) Don't tire yourself too much during preparing food and taking care of kids. Doing too many things at a time. No focus and need to get into the right frame of mind ie. competitive mind.