Saturday 15 November 2008

Still Alive!

Haha......I have been MIA for almost a year. It's amazing how time goes by so quickly. Much has happened since I last wrote. In chronicle order, I got laid off back in Feb. I was quite shocked at that time and kinda lost, not sure what to do coz' it means that we will have no income at all. Have you ever been in that situation where you had no income at all? It's really scary at first coz' we are so used to having a "secured" job and a constant flow of income to pay the bills. Somehow, we have survived almost 7 months now without a constant flow of income. Thanks to tax rebates, severence pay and unemployment benefits. I must admit that we are kinda running low on reserve now.
Another major event this year was Justine Yong Zhi Xin was born into this world in May. It was an easy birth which took only 20 mins. I started breastfeeding her on the first day and it went well. I was determined to be successful at breastfeeding but alas, I only managed to breastfeed her till she was 4 months old. She latched on very well, unlike Zoey which had a bit of a difficulty latching on. Breastfeedin Justine was a fulfilling experience. The only setback was of course it was difficult to breastfeed her in public and also the fact that I did not produce enough milk for her big appetite. I kinda miss breastfeeding now. Well...there is more to write but I will do it another time. It's time to go to bed now......hopefully, it won't be another year before I pen my thoughts down again. Haha....